Welcome your customers and guests with a customised logo floor mat. It’s a smart way to communicate your brand message throughout your building, especially at high traffic areas.
Besides logos, our mats can be customised with your name or message in colour with superb definition. They also perform just as effectively as our Initial Mats — and we service them regularly to ensure maximum performance and visual impact.
Work Smarter: our mats are fully serviced
For mats to work effectively they have to be serviced professionally with specialist laundering — not just vacuumed.
Worn mats can be ineffective, unsightly and may trip visitors or staff. We work with you to understand your business’ specific needs. We’ll then recommend the best solutions to protect your people and premises.
Mat Service Cycle
Our Serviced Mats are regularly swapped for fresh quality‐checked replacements at a frequency that suits your business need.
Discreet collection service with no interruption to your business
Specialist laundering ensures cleanliness
All mats are fully quality checked
Reliable delivery and professional installation
Q: What business sizes do you cater for? A: We operate throughout the country and serve some of the largest companies in South Africa and around the world. We are scaled to deliver consistently high levels of service whether you are a small single site business or a multi-site, multi-national organisation.